Hey there,

I am Bilal SAEED

a software developer.

Let's connect!

> About

I am studying computer science in 42 Abu Dhabi through the Peer2Peer learning methodology.

I also work on front-end and Blockchain development.

I love Blockchain technology and Automotives.

My current tech stack

42 Projects

> 42 Projects



Developed website application using Docker-compose and learnt about servers & networks.



Created a 2d game using minilibX library and implemented a depth first search algorithm.



Created a 3d game using MLX by using Raycasting algorithms and learned about map parsing and validating.



Recreated the classic pong game using vanilla Javascript and django. this project helped me learn django and plain Javascript.

Reflections & Challenges

Reflections & Challenges

Inception Challenges

Navigating the complexities of Docker and network configurations presented a steep learning curve, enriching my understanding of system architecture.

So-Long Insights

Implementing pathfinding algorithms in a constrained graphical environment tested my problem-solving skills and deepened my programming knowledge.

Ft_Transcendence Learning

Mastering real-time web technologies and Django was challenging but greatly enhanced my capabilities in developing full-stack applications.

On Projects

Reflecting on my recent projects, including those developed during hackathons and as part of my portfolio at 42 school, I've realized the importance of adaptability and user-centered design. Iterative testing and feedback have been crucial in refining the functionalities to meet user expectations efficiently.

On Education at 42 School

The unique educational approach at 42 school, focusing on peer-to-peer learning and project-based tasks, has significantly shaped my problem-solving skills. This environment fostered a profound understanding of practical application in software development and the ability to learn independently and collaboratively.

On Peer-to-Peer Learning

Peer-to-peer learning has not only accelerated my learning curve but also enhanced my communication skills. Working closely with peers has allowed for a deeper exchange of ideas and has instilled a strong sense of community and teamwork, essential for any successful tech professional.


Microsoft 365 Certification

Certified in Microsoft 365, demonstrating advanced skills in utilizing Microsofts suite.

A Levels and IGCSE

Achieved A grades in both A Levels and IGCSE examinations, on Business and Science subjects.

Microsoft Teams Certification

Holds a certification in Microsoft Teams, specializing in leveraging collaboration.

42 Graduate

Graduating 42 Abu Dhabi and becoming a mastery student specializing software.



Short Term Goals

Obtain a certification in Advanced Solidity Development by the end of the year to enhance my capabilities in smart contract development.

Performance Optimization in Web Development

Tackled the challenge of optimizing web application performance, reducing load times by implementing efficient code practices and leveraging advanced web technologies.

42 Education

Complete my final 42 Project Ft_transcendence and continue my education with 42 during the Mastery stage.

Long Term Goals

Aim to lead a development team on a major blockchain project, focusing on creating scalable and secure decentralized applications. Aspire to contribute to major blockchains.


> Contacts

You can contact directly me through these following links